Explore all Dr Driving Missions and their Winning Strategies

Dr Driving Missions

Dr Driving is a realistic car simulation game offering multiple missions based on driving skills. After getting the game for free from the App Store or Google Play Store, you can start exploring its scenarios for car driving. The more you advance toward higher levels, the more difficult your situation will be. Here, you will end up learning new tricks to tackle real-life situations. 

Moreover, this game improves your decision-making abilities during emergencies like broken brakes, high traffic, etc.  Let’s explore its various missions and what are proven strategies for higher reward points in the game.

All Dr Driving Missions & their Winning Strategies

The following are the missions that you have to deal with in the virtual world of Dr Driving:

  • Broken Brake Mission
  • Drift Mission
  • Speed Mission
  • Speed (Highway) Mission
  • Speed Parking Mission 
  • VIP Escort Mission 
  • Fuel Efficiency

Broken Brake Mission

You can surpass this mission by getting help from drifting at the right time and using the right turn. How? When you are heading towards your destination, you can’t apply your brakes, so turn in the opposite direction. This means if you want to navigate to the left, then turn right at a fast speed. This strategy will stop the car with a 180-degree rotation toward the desired direction. This way, you can complete your route without brakes. 

Drift Mission

Are you finding it difficult to raise your drift meter to 100 percent? Then, no worries. Using the opposite direction technique without applying a brake also effectively drifts your car with a high score. Here again, to move in the right direction, turn left at a fast speed, drifting the car towards the right side. Keep an eye on the traffic or side barriers, as you have to maintain a safe distance from them.

Speed Mission

This is also about managing maximum speed without collisions and trying to turn the car swiftly to avoid time wastage and maximize your rewards in this mission. Check out the car collection to pick anyone with high handling and powerful braking systems, as more control results in low chances of slip-outs. 

Speed (Highway) Mission

This mission is similar to the other speed challenge, although it is based on highways where you don’t need to turn left to right. The only goal is to drive at full speed without accidents with the traffic.

Speed Parking

Here, you need to park the vehicle in the right place parallel to other cars within a set time period. Use different camera modes while parking parallel to other standing vehicles. Evaluate the situation from different angles to have a smooth parking experience without taking too much time.

VIP Escort Mission

This mission requires you to drive professionally without overspeeding and follow all the rules for a smooth drive journey. Do not try to drift the car, as it will deduct your points. Also, choose the most advanced car model for this challenge for maximum comfort while playing Dr Driving MOD APK.

Fuel Efficiency Mission

If you’re looking for the easiest mode to start with, then try fuel efficiency mode. Here, you have to cover the track with a certain fuel limit. Don’t drift, as it requires high fuel consumption, and you must reach the finish line with the available fuel. So, drive slowly and carefully, take smooth turns, and try to find shorter routes. 

Final Words

Dr Driving missions will keep you hooked for hours and provide valuable lessons about driving. Polish your skills by going through all of them and earn maximum gold coins and rewards. Explore the cars that increase your chances of success, and remember to use upgrades. 

If you have any other suggestions, such as hidden tricks for outperforming in various challenges, feel free to comment. We would love to hear from you. 

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